Canyon High School Student Parking Permit Contract (2024-2025)
Driving to school and parking on school property is a privilege, which may be denied. JUNIORS and SENIORS who obtain a parking permit through ASB are eligible to park in the student parking lot. (Senior Preferred parking in labeled spots; all others in unmarked spots only.) Students who are issued parking permits accept the responsibility of adhering to school policies and safe driving practices. Parking permits guarantee a parking spot in the student lot from first block period - beginning of lunch. After lunch, parking spots are available on a first come, first served basis.
To obtain a Parking Permit, the following items must be present when applying:
❏ Completed Parking Contract
❏ Current Vehicle Registration Form
❏ Copy of Valid California Driver’s License or DMV issued permit until valid license is available.
❏ Proof of Current Liability Insurance for EACH Vehicle Registering
❏ Registration Fee - $30 w/ ASB Card, $40 w/o ASB (First Semester Cost)
❏ Senior Preferred parking- $80 w/ ASB card, $90 w/o ASB **subject to availability**
❏ Second Semester Cost - $15 w/ASB card, $20 w/o ASB card
1. Driving to school and parking on school property is a privilege and not a right.
2. Canyon High School reserves the right to revoke a parking permit at anytime without refund if a student fails to comply with any school policies (parking, discipline. attendance, academic, etc).
3. Parking permits are the property of Canyon High School and cannot be duplicated or altered in any way.
4. Lost or stolen permits are the responsibility of the student. Replacement permits are not issued.
5. Permits are non-transferable and must be returned to the ASB Office if a student withdraws or transfers.
6. Parking permits are not considered valid unless they are hanging in clear view from the rear view
mirror with all printed information facing out. No other passes or sunshields may block the permit.
7. Parking in any location other than a designated student parking stall is prohibited (ex. Staff spaces, “no parking” zones, handicapped spaces, red curbs, visitor spaces, fire lanes, etc.)
8. Buying a parking permit only guarantees a parking space from 8:30 AM - beginning of lunch.
9. Speeding or reckless driving is prohibited and may result in loss of parking permit.
10. Canyon High School is not responsible for the vehicle or its contents, and advises students to leave cars locked at all times.
11. The parking lot is a restricted area. Once parked, students should proceed Immediately to the school. There is to be no loitering or visitation in the parking lot. No student will be allowed to go to their car once school has begun. Students may not loiter in the parking lot during lunch.
12. Tardiness resulting from not being able to find a parking space will not be excusable.
13. Authorized personnel who have reason to believe a search is necessary for the health, safety and protection of the students and the orderly conduct of the school may search any vehicle brought onto school property.
14. All California Vehicle Code apply in the school parking lots.
16. Any problems with your parking spaces, notify the ASB clerk’s office immediately. Failure to adhere to the above conditions places your vehicle subject to a $25 citation (Section 21113 California Vehicle Code), revocation of your parking permit, and other discipline by Canyon High School Administration.