Who should complete this form?
We request that every individual completes this EDI
monitoring form to so we can monitor, evaluate, and assess equality to improve,
where required, our recruitment and diversity approaches. The EDI Form is used
by HORIZONS to provide us with essential statistical information about
potential applicants, participating session leads and guest speakers.
The HORIZONS programme puts equality at the heart of its
activity. We aim to acknowledge and reflect the diversity in Scotland
today in our work. To monitor the type of applications we receive and the
support we offer, we need to collect information which does not directly relate
to our assessment of any application or training you submit or deliver. We
include questions on age, disability, ethnicity, gender, and sexual
orientation, all of which are defined as ‘protected characteristics’ in The
Equality Act 2010. We also include questions on socioeconomic background and
Gaelic language.
It is important that you provide this information to assist
our reporting in line with The Equality Act 2010 and to help us to improve our
services. In providing your completed response along with other application
documentation, you are giving explicit consent for us to use this data for
statistical reporting. The data is managed confidentially, is not personally
attributable, will not have any bearing on your application or delivery and is
processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act. If you do not know some
of the information or if you prefer not to provide it, you can fill in the
'Prefer not to say’ box.
Alternative Formats and Languages
HORIZONS is committed to offering clear and accessible
application processes and a programme that is open to everyone. On request,
this information is available in alternative formats including translations,
and access support is available. If you have any general enquiries about the
application process, please contact chloe.browne@filmcityfutures.com