BetterPlayer Incident & Disruption Form
We hope this form rarely, if ever,  gets filled out, but we understand there are moments within soccer where one's experience is disrupted and/or a breach of our code of conduct occurs that may go unseen by staff or requires additional context.

This form is for that.

  • Incident Reporting: If you were witness to or involved in an incident, please submit that below and provide as much detail as possible.  
  • Disruption Reporting: If your practice did not take place as expected (e.g. was delayed, shortened or not played), please submit that below and provide as much detail as possible.
Please note that we cannot guarantee a particular outcome and must make decisions and take action based on all available evidence. Regarding incident reporting, for instance, at times there may not be enough evidence to take punitive action against someone that did indeed break our code of conduct.
Email *
Your Name *
You're a *
Date of Incident or Disruption *
Location *
In your own words, please provide a detailed description of the type of Incident/Disruption that occurred, including names of people involved (if possible and needed). *
Your Phone Number
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