Women in Seabird Science Publications Submission Form

Thank you for your interest in being featured by Women in Seabird Science. We strive to uplift women around the world who study, teach about, conserve, and love seabirds.

Mission and Visions:
  1. Connect a global community of women in seabird science
  2. Amplify the diverse voices of women in seabird science
  3. Inspire the next generation of seabird scientists 

Add to our Women-Authored Seabird Papers Database:

Have you authored scientific papers or public articles about seabirds? We are creating a database of women-authored seabird papers to make them easier to find! Please fill out the form below to submit your papers.

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Citation information
Copy and paste the full citation for your article in any citation style. This will ensure we can find your article.
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