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School Student Grievance Form
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Student Information
Full Name
Your answer
Class & Section
Your answer
Your answer
Contact Information (Phone/Email)
Your answer
Grievance Details
Type of Grievance
(Tick the relevant category)
Academic Issues
Teacher Behavior
Bullying or Harassment
Infrastructure Problems (Classroom, Washroom, etc.)
Transport Issues
Food & Canteen Complaints
Extracurricular Activities
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Date & Time of Incident
Your answer
Location of Incident (Hostel, Classroom, Playground, Bus, etc.)
Your answer
Details of the Grievance (Describe the Issue Clearly)
Your answer
Person(s) Involved (If Applicable)
Your answer
Resolution Sought
Have You Reported This Issue Before? (Yes/No)
Your answer
If Yes, to Whom and What Action Was Taken?
Your answer
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