We hope you will consider signing up today for our HGC Men's Wednesday Night Golf League, which will begin on Wednesday, May 15, 2024.
Any two member team wishing to play in the Wednesday night Men's League should sign up online using this form or in the pro shop. There is plenty of room for new teams, so sign up if you are interested. Teams are made up of two people. If you are looking for a team member, and you are only one person, we will try to match you with another person to form a team.
Substitutes are needed as well.
The cost is $60 per person which includes league dues, cash prizes for winning teams (1st $200, 2nd $150, and 3rd $100), other prizes, and an amazing dinner at the end of the season. The golf league runs from May 15 - September 11, 2024 (Bye Week on July 3, 2024), with our final scramble and dinner banquet on September 11, 2024. Teams are limited to the first 18 teams or 36 members.
Please sign up and pay in person or we can bill your account, before May 15, 2024. Anyone signing up after May 15, 2025 will become a substitute.
Please note this is a Wednesday night league all matches must be played on Wednesday. You will be able to contact your opposing team each week and schedule your own tee times using our Chronogolf Online System.
Scoring will be based on personal handicap, after first few matches, and then scorecards will be based on our points system each week.
Please see the players board in the pro shop for team and play information. For more information see your club e-mail, or call/text Scott D. Miller or Bill Sievers.
You may sign up as a team, individual, or substitute.