Expression of interest: ANGEL Special Interest Group on Teacher Education SHARING PRACTICE BLOG
> The purpose of the BLOG
This BLOG aims to showcase practice and professional perspectives in the field of global education, with a specific focus on teacher education in diverse locations and contexts.

> Objectives
To facilitate the dissemination of teacher education practice and theoretically grounded educational perspectives in the field of global education.
To support teacher educators and educational researchers to promote and share cutting edge research and innovative practice.
To promote dialogue on teacher education research and practice, in the field of global education.

> Audience
Blogposts are aimed at practitioners (e.g. teachers, teacher educators, student teachers, students) and researchers working in the field of Global Education.
If you are interested in submitting a blogpost, please fill in the information below.

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Title of the Blogpost *
Name of the Author(s) *
Email of the Author(s) *
Affiliation (if applicable) and Country of the Author(s) *
Short Abstract of the Blogpost *
Maximum 200 words
Information on any additional material for the blogpost (e.g. Images, figures, tables)
Intended submission date *
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