1st Communion Retreat Makeup 2024- Google Form
For those who missed our First Communion Retreat on April 13, below are questions for you and your child to answer together following the completion of our online Retreat.
Please complete the entire form and hit the "submit" button once you are finished. *Please note that you must complete this form in one sitting (if you "x" out of this form, your answers will not be saved). This form must be submitted no later than Friday, April 26.
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Part I - For Students: The first video talked about why participating at Sunday Mass is important. Why is participating at Mass important to you? *
Part I - For Parents: Name one thing that stood out to you after watching the video "Why is Mass Important?" *
Part II - For Students: We believe that the Eucharist is ______________. *
Part II - For Students: The final meal Jesus shared with His Apostles before dying on the Cross is called __________. *
Part II - For Students: What was one thing you learned from the "Last Supper" video? *
Part II - For Students: When we go up to receive Communion, the priest will say "The Body of Christ." What is our response? *
Part II - For Students: In the second video for Part II, we learned how to receive Holy Communion. When receiving in the hand, we put our dominant hand (the hand we eat/write with) on the ____ *
Part II - For Students: The word Eucharist means "Thanksgiving." Name one thing you are thankful that God has given you in your life. *
Part II - For Students: How do you feel right now about receiving First Holy Communion? *
Part II - For Parents: Describe one thing that stood out to you from this part of the lesson on the Eucharist. *
Part III - For Students: Where did this video take place? *
Part III - For Students: What is one way you can "be the Body of Christ" and make a difference in the lives of others? *
Part III - For Parents: What is one way you, as a family, have been the Body of Christ for others? *
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