Teachers Feedback Form (Session: 2023-24)
Rate the following on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 for the maximum positive and 1 for the minimum)
Email *
1. Overall infrastructure and facilities given to you in college *
2. Library services and availability of  books *
3. ICT facilities available in the college *
4. Level of decentralization in the college administration *
5. Functioning of  IT Cell and technology available in the college *
6. Availability of research facilities in the college *
7. Financial support is given to you for attending Seminars, Conferences and for Research projects etc *
8. Financial support given to you for organizing various programs in college *
9. The mechanism adopted by the college for grievance redressal of teachers *
10. The medical facilities available in the college premises *
11. Timely information/communication and timely instructions/orders *
12. Salary Quantum *
13. Quantum of Annual raise in Salary *
14. Objectivity and Equity in Annual Raise in Salary *
15. Support available from the supporting staff *
16. Campus cleanliness and Ecology *
17. Adequacy of Training and Skill Development facilities *
18. Yoga, Meditation and other measures for overall well-being *
19. Satisfaction with overall discipline in the college *
20. Overall satisfaction regarding college *
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