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The Noble Marriage Approach
We provide curiosity based coaching to individuals and couples in a non judgmental, Christian based platform. We establish a safe, therapeutic relationship between all of us. We use a question based approach to help you find your own answers, so you will own and accept the outcomes.

Safety and trust are cornerstones for our relationship and coaching to be effective and transparent. Vulnerability and healing comes out of feeling safe. We assure you that your confidentiality will be upheld and never sold or given to a third party unless you agree and give written consent.

Client Privileges and Responsibilities
Adelle and I are committed to your marriage and coaching you through it to be a life giving marriage that will last for eternity.
*For this work to be a success, there are some non negotiable responsibilities for all involved. You will need to attend all the sessions, complete any assignments (success work) and be actively building the relationship you want.
We commit to these and ask that you:

1. Be honest, transparent, and share your concerns.
2. Ask questions when you have them for clarity.
3. Keep scheduled reservations and meetings. And when you can’t, communicate this 24 hours prior to the reserved session.
Keep open lines of communication with us.
4. We commit to responding and we request that you commit to responding within 24 hours to all communication via text or email. (If we have not responded within this time frame, assume we did not receive it and please communicate again and we will do the same)
5. Agree to have all success work completed 24 hours prior to your call. (Example: Saturday no later than 8pm for a Sunday 8pm call)
6. Set aside and schedule a minimum of 1 hour a week to complete your success work together as a couple. Communicate this time with us. (What gets scheduled, gets done.)

The Noble Marriage Transformation Course: 15 sessions with combination of zoom or in person, both together & separate. We will plan out the remaining sessions at our first session together. This course is $2050

First investment will be paid prior to the first session totaling $684
Second investment of $683 is due prior to the 5th session.
Last investment of $683 is due prior to the 10th session

In the event that a payment does not go through, we would reschedule the sessions until payment is finalized.

With a total investment of : $2050
Schedules should be on the same day of the week with one session per week. Tuesday at 2pm every week as an example. We understand sometimes there are vacations and extras on your calendar. We gladly work around all these circumstances. Our request is to have good communication around any scheduling conflicts that may show up with advanced notice.

Optional Additional Coaching:
Should we recommend additional coaching specific for your needs, we have several options to choose from:

Individual Coaching: 50 min $90
Couples Coaching: 75 min $150
Individual Marriage Coaching Package (10 total coaching sessions 50min):  $750

You can book these services at your convenience on our website
This agreement does not include additional material or coaching support requested outside of this course or these sessions.

Which package are you purchasing? *
I agree to the financial terms set above *
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