Subcontractor Initial Screening
Thanks for your response. Serving court papers for Quantum Process, LLC (QP) is not employment nor are any servers employees of Quantum Process. The work QP has is subcontracted from my company to individuals who are self-employed as a process server within the county where QP needs court papers served. Each subcontractor is paid per service, and wages are reported at year-end through a 1099.

Email *

County or Parish of Residence:

Please specify the county or parish in which you currently reside.

Current Employment and Availability:

What is your current job and are there any days and hours you are unavailable?  


Driver's License and Liability Insurance:

Do you possess a valid driver's license, liability insurance on the vehicle you drive that is in your name, or in the name of someone else you reside with? Please confirm.

Criminal History Disclosure:

Have you ever been arrested or charged with any misdemeanors or felonies? This will not automatically exclude you from consideration. Please provide details of the charges, including the date, nature, and outcome of each incident. Deliberately withholding or not disclosing any and all criminal history to include minor traffic violations would immediately disqualify anyone from working as a subcontractor.

Technology Access:

Do you have access to the internet, own a smartphone,  have a way to print documents and are willing to scan a document using an application on your phone to upload it as a PDF format? 


Email Availability:

Are you willing to respond to emails within an hour of receiving them and also willing to enable notifications on your smartphone so that you will know when we need a response to an email sent to you?

Experience Serving Legal Documents:

Experience serving court papers is not required but is an advantage for you. 

Do you have any experience serving court papers? 

If you don't, please describe how and why you believe you are suited for doing this type of work?


Social Media Profile:

Quantum Process is a family owned business and likewise is interested working with individuals who share our standard of excellence.  Please provide a link to your Facebook profile so that we can gain a better understanding of you and what is important to you. My profile on Facebook is: You are welcome to send me a friend request.  

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