South Frontenac Turtle Road Signs 
We have heard a lot from various individuals about locations in and around Kingston that need turtles crossing signs to warn drivers of the presence of turtles on roads. 

We have been in touch with the Municipality of South Frontenac and they will review and potentially add signage to locations we identify.

This is where we need your help as people on the ground... where are signs needed in South Frontenac? 
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Please see image for details about roads and locations within South Frontenac
First and Last name
Your email *
Road name where you think a turtle crossing sign is needed *
Where along the road is the sign needed (closest intersection or house number) *
Please describe the section of the road (is there a wetland, forest, specific building, etc.) *
Why do you think a turtle crossing sign is needed here? *
please provide as much detail as possible - what species of turtles have you seen, do they get hit often by cars, what is the vehicle traffic like, how many years have you noticed this location is an issue...
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