GLÆ 2020 Mastermind Application
If you are a Lightworker with a small business and a big dream ✨ then you will love what we have for you at GLÆ.  As it's now our second year, we have tried and tested the teaching and mastermind approach, and we know how well it works.

The purpose of the application form below is to firstly make sure that you are the right fit for our Mastermind and year-long mentoring program, as places are limited to 100. And secondly, to gauge the level you are currently at with your business and mindset, so we can give you the right help, and also pair you with the right accountability group for the year-long program.

The full ticket price is €2150 and includes the 5-day event in France, teaching materials, lunch and tea breaks each day, a day trip to Monaco and the year-long online mentoring program.  

*Flights, transfers, hotels, breakfast and dinner are not included. Travel and accommodation is your own responsibility.

There are also options to bring a friend and share a discount ($1950 per person), or early bird options for those who apply and confirm soon enough to get one of the first 25 places.  *Pricing and payment options will be sent to you upon successful review of your application.

Please allow us up to one week to review your application.  

Upon successful review we will send you payment details to confirm your place.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Full name and email address *
What’s your biggest challenge in business you face today? *
If you could wave a magic wand to fix one problem in your business life today which would it be? *
What’s your biggest dream for your life and work as a heart-centered entrepreneur? *
How did you hear about GLÆ? *
Which of the following options best describes where you feel you are with your business right now? *
How do you feel about your online presence for your Lightworker brand / business? *
Which of the following best describes your current blocks or issues? *
I founded Make Your Mark Global with the core values of Authenticity, Integrity, Collaboration and Celebration. This forms the basis of all of our programs and these values help us stay aligned with our overall mission and our client's goals. What are your values? *
This Mastermind Event and 1-Year Mentoring Community is all about GIVING & RECEIVING. You will learn about true abundance and prosperity. What will you contribute or give to this community? *
What do you know to be your gifts, strengths or talents? *
Are you planning to bring a friend, spouse or child? *
For the purpose of matching you with an accountability buddy that you can talk to online - which timezone region do you live in? *
Thank you for your application!
Please allow us up to one week to review your application.  Upon successful review we will send you payment details to confirm your place.  The early bird discount will be applied based on the date of your application, not on the date of us replying to you, providing you are within the first 25 applicants.

Please see our Event Terms & Conditions here:
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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