Ashy Lightning Development Academy

Please note: the EARLY SESSION IS NOW FULL, if you continue to sign-up you will be added to a wait list.


Limited spaces available for a 5 week basketball academy exclusive for current Ashy Lightning Junior players.
Join elite basketball coaches including Sarah Perillo and Avi Meyerson to improve your shooting, dribbling and basketball decision-making.
Register early to avoid disappointment, places will be allocated on a first in first served basis. We will confirm your place and request payment via email.

Where: Ashy Primary Gym

When: Every Friday from 18 August to 15 September 
  • U8 to U12 - 3:40 to 4:30 - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
  • U12 to U16 - 4:30 to 5:20 (U12 if you can't make earlier time)
  • Rep players - 4:30 to 5:20 (or those wishing to tryout for Rep)

Cost: $50 ($10 per week)
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
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Player's name *
Player's current age *
Player's current Ashy Lightning Team *
Session you are registering for: *
Emergency contact name: *
Emergency contact mobile: *
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