Immersion in NVC Scholarship Application (2024)
Please complete this form to request a scholarship for the Immersion in NVC Program. 

** NOTE ** Please be sure to ALSO complete the appropriate program application form:
• Alumni cohort application (only prior graduates of the Immersion Program are eligible)
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Cell Phone Number *
I'm applying to the Immersion Program: *
I'm applying as an... *
Please share a bit about yourself *
Have you read the financial information provided in the information packet for this program, which describes our needs-based approach to money?  (Info Packet Link) *
Would you consider fundraising and/or a payment plan in order to make a contribution equal or closer to the amount requested? *
If you selected "fundraising" or "payment plan" please briefly describe the fundraising goals and/or payment plan you're thinking of.
Tuition for the 2024-2025 Immersion in NVC is offered on a sliding scale as follows:
* Full Participant: $4500 - $2000
* Alumni Cohort: $1600 - $800

What amount would be sustainable for you to contribute toward tuition costs?
Reducing Financial Barriers to Training in Nonviolence

We wish to support all people who are passionate about this work to have access to it, independent of their current access to financial resources. We recognize that, because of various social and economic systems, some people experience financial barriers to participating in events with cost-based attendance.

We are explicitly inviting participation by people who come from any of the following communities. When all people are included, our communities benefit:

* People with visible or invisible disabilities

* People who do not have white skin privilege and/or who come from communities who have been targets of racism

* People who identify is LGTBQIA+

* Low-income/Poor or Working class people (please refer to this definition as a guideline when self-identifying in this category)

Is there anything about your identity that aligns with the community descriptors listed above? *
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