Rock & Robots - artist consideration form
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About the gig
Rock & Robots is a monthly hybrid gig night in Stoke Newington where a robot fighting tournament is followed by 3 musical acts and then by some jam/open mic time.

Stage times are usually 19:50 for 20 mins, 20:25 for 30 mins and 21:10 for 30 mins but these can be shifted around a little if someone wants to do 25 minutes.

To keep the gig manageable in terms of sound engineering, each night features one full band with the other 2 acts being soloists, duos or small acoustic groups.

Though the night is called Rock & Robots, we don't limit nights to rock music. Each night is curated to have acts which are at least a little similar. Artists who play mostly original songs are preferred - we have an unofficial policy of a maximum of 2 covers per set.

Full details, including past lineups, links to venue equipment and information about money (basically each act gets 20-25% of door takings), can be found at
Name of act *
Contact e-mail address *
Which of the following is your act? *
Link to your music (provide as many as you like) *
Brief description of your music *
Which dates are you able to perform? (All dates are Sundays) *
What lengths of set could you perform? *
What is a realistic number of audience members you might be able to bring to the show? *
We often do a group karaoke number with all 3 acts at the end of the show - if you would be up for this, what karaoke song would you want to perform?
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