AgeTechX 2023 Batch Startup Application

Scrum Studio and Hakuhodo are launching AgeTechX, a new hub for AgeTech innovation.

"AgeTechX" is a global business collaboration program initiated by Scrum Studio, a venture capital company based in Silicon Valley and Japan, and "Hakuhodo Senior Business Force," dedicated to creating senior-focused businesses with a consumer-centric approach.

In this program, partner companies and startups from around the world will collaborate to address the challenges of aging through technology, co-creating valuable services and applications from a consumer perspective, beyond the perspectives of industry and technology.

Note: The Global Co-Creation Program is a new initiative to facilitate innovative business ideas and service expansion by connecting large corporations from various industries with startups worldwide possessing outstanding innovative technologies and applications. With the participation of expert mentors from various fields and advanced municipalities, the program promotes collaborative business ventures between companies across industries and startups.

AgeTechX is eagerly awaiting your entries.

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For the accepted companies and organizations that pass the screening process, there will be a co-creation period of approximately six months. During this time, you will refine your business ideas, drive them towards validation and implementation, and present the results and processes at the Demo Day. It's worth noting that for the startups selected in this term (2023), there is potential for collaboration with partner companies and other related entities as long as AgeTechX activities continue.

1​ The business stage of startups is not a limiting factor for application. Even non-incorporated groups or teams can apply. However, if you are a minor, please obtain prior consent from your legal guardian before applying. You can still apply if you have received third-party funding or are participating in a similar program organized by another company, but please ensure to confirm and obtain consent from the respective investor or organizing company at your own responsibility. We welcome business themes that have already launched services or have a clear plan for service launch.

2​ The content of the application plan must comply with public order and morals. Intellectual property rights of the application plan belong to the applicant. However, please take responsibility for rights protection procedures at your own expense as needed during the entry process. In the case of services developed collaboratively with sports organizations or participating companies during the program period, discussions will be conducted between the parties. Ensure that your entry does not infringe on the intellectual property rights of third parties, such as copyrights. The overview of the application plan may be publicly disclosed, so please consider this before applying. We will not use application plans that were not selected without the applicant's consent. Additionally, be aware that we and our affiliated companies may independently develop or implement similar products, services, etc., unrelated to the application plans. The costs associated with the application are the responsibility of the applicant. We cannot respond to individual inquiries regarding the screening process. Please note that application materials will not be returned. Materials may be shared with program partner companies. After acceptance, we request your participation in events as per the program schedule. Applications are accepted through Google Form. For file uploads, a Google account login is required.

AgeTechの新たな発信地 AgeTechXが始動します。




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  • スタートアップの事業ステージは一切問いません。
  • 応募時点で法人化されていない団体・チームでも応募可能です。
  • ※なお、未成年者の場合は親権者から事前の同意を得た上で応募してください。
  • 既に第三者の出資を受けている場合や、他社主催の同種プログラムに参加している場合でも応募可能です。
  • ただし、応募者ご自身の責任においてその出資者や主催会社の事前の確認・承諾を得てください。
  • サービスローンチ済み、またはサービスローンチの目処がついている事業テーマを歓迎します。

  • 応募プランの内容は公序良俗に反しないものに限ります。
  • 応募プランの知的財産権は応募者に帰属します。なお、エントリーに際して、必要に応じて応募者ご自身の責任と負担において権利保護手続をお取りください。ただし、プログラム期間中に競技団体や参加企業と共同開発したサービスに関しては、当事者同士での協議を実施することとします。
  • エントリーにあたっては、第三者の著作権などの知的財産権を侵害していないことを事前に必ずご確認ください。
  • 応募プランの概要は一般公開させて頂く場合があります。ご考慮の上、応募してください。
  • 選定しなかった応募プランについて、応募者の承諾を得ずに使用することはありません。なお、応募プランによることなく、当社および当社の関係会社が独自に同一または類似の商品、役務等を開発・実施しまたは将来開発・実施する可能性があることをご了承ください。
  • 応募にかかる費用は応募者のご負担となります。
  • 審査状況等に関する個別のお問い合わせには、お答えできません。
  • 応募資料は返却しかねますので、あらかじめご了承ください。
  • 資料は、プログラムのパートナー企業に共有されることもございます。
  • 採択後、プログラムスケジュール記載のイベントに関しては、原則参加することをお願いしております。
  • 応募はGoogle formで受け付けをいたします。ご提出いただくファイルのアップロードには、Googleアカウントのログインが必要となります。

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