Wood Flower Succulent Paint and Plant Workshop and Dessert
Come and paint your own colorful wood flower succulents. You will choose your favorite styles and colors, learn 3 different paint techniques to create a beautiful realistic plant, then finish your project by "planting" in your selection of planter.  Additional kits will be available for purchase. 

At the end of the evening, you will have a beautiful arrangement that won't die and will keep your space looking green and lovely all year long!  

Included in your registration
A complete kit with your choice of planter, multiple succulent blossoms, supplies to plant and plant your creation.  And as the cherry on top- a delectable treat from Local Creamery's selection of ice cream desserts!

Registration Cost: $40.00
January 31st, 2024
Local Creamery at  5805 Preston Rd Suite 598, Plano, TX 75093
Contact us at 971-228-9920 or alltogethernowdesigns@gmail.com
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To confirm registration, please submit payment with any of the below options
Registration including your choice of planter(s) is $40.   If you would prefer to bring your own planter, registration is $34.00
Please select which option you prefer: *
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