Pittsburgh Indie Knit and Spin Application October 2021
Thank you for your interest in applying to vend at Indie Knit and Spin on Saturday, October 9th 2021 at the Nova Place in Pittsburgh with open hours from 11am to 5pm.  

**Note that this event will only occur if Allegheny County is in Phase Green according to the State of Pennsylvania.**

IKS is a one day festival dedicated to the featuring the best vendors in the fiber arts and connecting the creators to their fans.  All items sold at IKS must be made by the vendors themselves (no resale please).  If you have any questions as to if your products qualify, please feel free to email indieknitandspin@gmail.com or call 814-777-5302.

As with every IKS event, previous vendors are required to re-apply.  Acceptance into one event does not guarantee acceptance into future events.  Not being selected doesn't mean we don't want you!  We encourage everyone to apply even if they have not been selected before.

Since this is a new location and a new normal in society, there are a couple of key notes you should be aware of prior to applying:

- To maintain the safety of our guests, volunteers, and vendors, we will be following the recommendations of the CDC or the State of Pennsylvania at the time of the show (whichever is more strict).  This can include checking temperatures and requiring masks.
- To reduce crowding we are restricting vendors to 6 foot deep booths with widths in increments of 6 feet (making booths 6'x12', or 6'x18').  It sounds strange but trust us, it works great.
- In order to become more accessible to up and coming vendors we are now also adding a 6' table option!  Vendors must, however, supply their own table...
- Because things can change very quickly we will be allowing cancellations with full refunds of booth fees (minus processing fees) up to two weeks prior to the event and half refunds (minus processing fees) all the way up to the day of.
- With our new location we will be able to accept even more vendors!  So if you didn't make it in for past shows, be sure to apply again.
- In case of mandatory cancellation due to government intervention full refunds (minus processing fees) will be distributed to all vendors.

Now, with that out of the way, please fill in the form below completely and press submit when you are done.  
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Email *
Shop Name *
Contact Name *
Contact Phone Number *
Desired Vending Space *
Vendor Website *
Please enter as a valid link including http:// or https:// (best way is to visit your website and copy the full text from your browser)
Shop Description *
Write the content for a vendor preview post.  Why should people be excited to visit your booth?
Prior to submission please email 3 product photos to indieknitandspin@gmail.com with your shop name in the subject line. *
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