Alice in Wonderland Musical Auditions
Olympia Family Theater is holding auditions for Alice in Wonderland - a new musical adaptation by Lavinia Roberts with music by Ahmed Alabaca, and directed by OFT Artistic Director, Lily Raabe. 

The audition will take place February 21st at 5:30-8:30pm
Performers will be asked to cold read, sing scales and do some physical theater exercises. No need to prepare any text in advance. If you play an instrument, we encourage you to bring it (if it is portable) and play us something! A piano will be available.

Video auditions may be submitted at any time. Prepare an introduction to yourself, the stories that excite you, and how you like to collaborate. Prepare a monologue or passage per the instructions above. Total video time should be less than 5 minutes. We recommend uploading your video to Google Drive and sending a link to

All experience levels are welcome, and preference will be given to local artists.

Masks encouraged but optional.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Kate Arvin directly via email:

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Age *
Guardian’s name (for actors under 18)
Guardian's Email *
Phone (at which we would reach you to let you know if you are cast) *
Optional: What is your racial identity? 
Preferred audition night / style *
A bit about you (tell us a little bit about your acting experience) *
Anything else we should know?
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