Or Atid & Beth Elohim 2nd Night Community Passover Seder 2021
Please fill out this form to sign up for Congregation Or Atid and Congregation Beth Elohim's second night Seder at 7pm on Sunday, March 28th on Zoom. We'll email you the Zoom link soon!

We'll be using the Tablet Passover Haggadah (guide, prayerbook, and commentary), which you can order through The Silver Unicorn Bookstore in Acton (https://www.silverunicornbooks.com/) or online here: https://www.workman.com/products/the-passover-haggadah. Feel free to follow along with any haggadah you have at home or online, if you're not interested in ordering a new one. You can click the following link to download a free PDF of the Rabbinical Assembly's Haggadah, Feast of Freedom: https://www.rabbinicalassembly.org/webform/form-download-feast-freedom-passover-haggadah or click the next link for other free downloadable Haggadah options: https://www.haggadahsrus.com/.

If you'd like a printed copy of the Tablet Haggadah and are facing financial hardship, please reach out to Rabbi Polisson at rabbi@congregationoratid.org - he has a few copies in stock at Or Atid for those in need.
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Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number
How many adults will be attending the Seder? *
How many children will be attending? *
If a child or children are joining, would they like to participate during the Seder in a skit or in another way? If you select Yes, we'll email you with opportunities for kids to participate.
Please check off where you are affiliated *
I would like to participate in the Seder in the following ways: *
If you checked off other, how would you like to participate in the Seder?
Are you comfortable being "spotlit" or highlighted on Zoom during the Seder (please note we may need to highlight you if you'd like a speaking or other participatory role): *
How did you hear about this Seder? *
If you selected "other," please let us know how you heard about this Seder.
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