Irrekordja silta mis-“Sagħtar” u ibgħathielna!
L-ewwel nett l-MUT tixtieq tirringrazzja lil kull min qiegħed juri interess fil-portal il-ġdid, li jinkludi l-edizzjonijiet passati tas-“Sagħtar” fil-format diġitali. Ir-rispons kien pożittiv u inkoraġġanti ferm.
Sabiex inkomplu nħeġġu l-qari u anki ngħinu billi nipprovdu materjal tajjeb bil-Malti għat-tfal, l-MUT se tkun qiegħda ttella’ recordings ta’ qari mis-“Sagħtar”, kemm awdjo kif ukoll video, fil-paġna ta’ Facebook u anki fil-portal Għaldaqstant l-MUT qed tistieden edukaturi li jixtiequ jkunu parti minn dal-proġett sabiex jirrekordjaw lilhom infushom jaqraw stejjer, poeżiji, ċajt u paġni oħra mill-edizzjonijiet kollha passati tar-rivista li tellajna fil-portal. Min jixtieq jikkontribwixxi, kemm jidħol, jirreġistra u jaċċessa l-edizzjonijiet passati tar-rivista li tellajna s’issa. Minn hemm jista’ jagħżel liema jirrekordja u mbagħad jibagħtilna l-link tar-recording li jkun ħoloq billi jimla l-formola hawn taħt. Din is-sejħa se tkun mingħajr data tal-għeluq ħalli kulħadd ikun jista’ jaħdem fil-ħin tiegħu b’mod flessibbli.
Grazzi għal darb’oħra tal-inizjattivi kollha li qegħdin, u ċerti li se tkomplu, taħdmu fuqhom. Il-proġetti kollha relatati mas-“Sagħtar” għandhom ikunu riżorsi ulti ħafna għat-tagħlim tal-Malti u anki għall-qari inġenerali għall-gost, li huwa importanti ħafna wkoll.

Record an excerpt from "Sagħtar" and send it to us!

First of all the MUT would like to thank all those who are showing interest in the new portal, which includes past editions of "Sagħtar" in digital format. The response has been positive and very encouraging.

In order to continue encouraging reading and to help in providing good Maltese material for children, the MUT will be uploading recordings of readings from "Sagħtar", both audio and video, on the Facebook page and even on The MUT is therefore inviting educators who wish to be part of this project to record themselves reading stories, poems, jokes and other pages from all past editions of the magazine uploaded on the portal. To contribute one can go to, register and access the past editions of the magazine that we have published so far. Then one can select which excerpt to record and send us a link of the recording created by filling out the form below. This call will be without a closing date so that everyone can work flexibly in their own time.

Thanks again for all the initiatives that you have worked on and which you are currently preparing. All projects related to "Sagħtar" should be very useful resources to help the learning of Maltese and as general reading material for fun, which is very important as well.
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Jekk jogħġbok għidilna liema ħarġa hi u l-paġna *
Hawnhekk agħtina l-link tar-recording. Tista' wkoll tibgħat file lil jekk tippreferi taħdem bl-email. F'dak il-każ, jekk il-file kbir wisq għal email, jekk jogħġbok ibagħtu b'siti bħal Jekk se tibgħat file, hawn taħt għidilna x'se tkun qed tibgħat. *
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