Travelling to Church
Dear all, St John's Eco-Church team are trying to understand how our congregation would travel to and from church when we are allowed to open back up and how that would contribute to our Carbon Footprint as a whole.  Would be grateful if you can help us with this data by completing this form as if it were pre-Covid.
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Name: Note: If you want to remain anonymous , enter "Anonymous". If you give your name then you consent for the church to hold the personal information contained in the form for 6 months *
How many others, on average, are covered by this response? (for example you might travel with your partner and 2 children to church so that would mean 3 others are covered by this response) *
Postcode where you live *
Do you attend services at St John's *
Are you part of the congregation or are you a staff member? *
If you do travel to St John's for our service, how many services would you normally attend within a month?
Do you attend events at St John's premises? *
If you answered Yes to events, how many events would you normally attend within a year?
What average distance do you travel to get to and from one of St John's services/events? (estimate a return trip from your home and indicate if that is miles or km) *
During the Winter months how do you normally travel to St John's? (Estimate the percentage against the mode of travel you use. Leave blank the ones you do not use) *
Up to 25%
Up to 50%
Up to 75%
Up to 99%
On Foot
Public Transport
e-mobility device (scooter, skateboard, bicycle)
Electric Car
Hybrid Car
Petrol Car
Diesel Car
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During the Spring/Summer/Autumn months how do you normally travel to St John's? (Estimate the percentage against the mode of travel you use. Leave blank the ones you do not use) *
Up to 25%
Up to 50%
Up to 75%
Up to 99%
On Foot
Public Transport
e-mobility device (scooter, skateboard, bicycle)
Electric Car
Hybrid Car
Petrol Car
Diesel Car
Esborra la selecció
Would you consider changing your travel habits in the future? *
If you answered "Yes" or "Maybe" to the previous question, would you tell us what you would change your travel habits to. If you answered "No", would you help us understand what could change your mind?
Once we have the results of our carbon footprint, we will update our St John's Facebook Group.  The next section is about being part of a car pool group which is an option section.
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