TechFolios Workshop Participant Evaluation
Thank you for agreeing to participate in this evaluation of today's workshop.  Our goal with this evaluation is to obtain your perspective on its strengths and weaknesses so we can improve future workshops.

There are 9 questions in this evaluation. We expect this evaluation to take approximately 10 minutes to complete.

Your answers are anonymous. The results of this evaluation will be used only for the purposes of program evaluation and improvement and project reporting.

This is not a test!  You do not have to look back at the site to find answers. We want to understand what you are taking away from this experience.
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In your own words, what are some characteristics of a "high quality" professional portfolio? (If you don't remember, just write "I don't remember." *
Why might you want a professional portfolio in addition to a LinkedIn profile? (If you don't remember, just write "I don't remember"). *
In general, did you find the CONTENT of this workshop to be useful?  If so, please briefly summarize up to three skills you acquired (or started to acquire) as a result of this workshop.  If not, please write "Content not useful." *
In general, did you find the PEDAGOGY (i.e. method of teaching) of this workshop to be appropriate?  If so, please briefly summarize one or two teaching methods you found to be useful. If not, please write "Pedagogy was not appropriate." *
No workshop is perfect. What are one or two things you would suggest we change to improve this workshop in future?  If you can't think of anything, then write "You're wrong. This workshop was perfect." *
Did this workshop result in any new potential collaborations (i.e. people who you might contact in future to discuss research and/or professional issues)? *
If the workshops resulted in any new potential collaborations, are any of them with people outside your "home" discipline (i.e. your department)? *
Do you have any ideas for new workshops that would help you with your research and professional development? If so, please briefly describe. If not, please write ("No ideas at the moment.") *
Is there anything else you would like us to know about this workshop?
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