Microsoft Teams User Experience with Dyslexia
Thank you for taking the time to participate in our survey. We are Indiana University Bloomington students conducting research for our product management course to better understand the experiences of users with dyslexia and Microsoft Teams. Your feedback is incredibly valuable and will help us improve the platform, ensuring that it is more accessible and inclusive for all users.

The survey should take approximately 4-5 minutes to complete. Your responses are confidential, and your participation is entirely voluntary. We greatly appreciate your honest and thoughtful feedback.
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What form of dyslexia do you struggle with?
At what age were you diagnosed with dyslexia? 
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How often do you use Microsoft Teams?
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Do you struggle working with Microsoft Teams?
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If yes, please select the reason(s) why you struggle with Teams.
How often do you use text-to-speech features in Microsoft Teams to help with reading?
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What improvements would you suggest for the text-to-speech feature in Microsoft Teams to better support your needs? Additionally, what functionalities or capabilities do you expect from an ideal text-to-speech feature?
Do you have a preferred font that makes reading easier for you?
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If you answered "Yes" to having a preferred font that makes reading easier for you, please specify the name of the font and explain why it is beneficial for your reading experience.
Do you use color coding (e.g., highlighting or font color changes) when reading large amounts of text
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If you answered "Yes",  Which aspects of color coding are most helpful for you?
What types of colors do you find easiest to read or work with?
Would these features improve your experience with Microsoft Teams?
What else do you hope to improve with Microsoft Teams? 

Please explain why!
Would you be open to participating in a short user interview to help us improve Microsoft Teams? If yes, please provide your email address / reddit username so we can contact you
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