Volunteer Application for CCUM Food Bank
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Name *
Email *
Address *
Phone number
Are you able to lift 35 pounds safely?  *
What days are you available? Shifts are 8:45am to 12:30pm *
Do you need court ordered community service hours? *
Why do you want to volunteer? *


1.     I agree to hold harmless and waive any and all claims or causes of action against CFB and CCUM arising out of any cause whatsoever, including but not limited to claims arising out of the negligence or intentional conduct of its employees or agents.

2.     I attest that I am physically fit and prepared to perform the tasks assigned to me as a CFB and CCUM volunteer.

3.     I further agree to use my personal insurance as the primary provider in the event of injury due to my work as a volunteer for the CFB and CCUM.

4.     I shall not operate a personal vehicle for volunteer activities unless I have at least the minimum amount of liability insurance required by Arizona law.

5.     The CFB and CCUM are not responsible for loss or damage to volunteer’s personal property.

6.     I will not provide transportation to or from the CCUM Food Bank outlet to any client’s using its’ services.

7.     I also grant the CFB and CCUM full permission to use photographs and video of me.

I agree to take annual civil rights and food safety trainings as required. All training is free of charge.  *
I can make a 6 month volunteer commitment working at least 2 days a month. *
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