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Submit Your ONEXFLY Emblem Content
Before you submit, please pay attention to the notes below:
Only customers who have purchased this service are eligible for emblem content customization. If payment is not made, the emblem will remain as
Max 8 characters for each emblem (including space).
To ensure the aesthetics of the emblem, we will decide whether to include the diagonal bar pattern based on the length of the content.
The emblem content is case-sensitive, and we will produce it exactly as provided by the user.
The two emblems of an ONEXFLY handheld must use the same content.
Submitted content cannot be changed.
Emblem content is available for all languages.
Emblem content is not available for patterns. Punctuation is not advised.
For unsubmitted content, default engraving will be
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ust Match Your Order Email
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Emblem Content (M
ax 8 Characters, Including Space
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