Registration for Real Talk: How Parents and Caregivers Can Support Healthy Sexuality for their Children and Youth - Spring 2023
Real Talk: How Parents and Caregivers Can Support Healthy Sexuality for their Children and Youth

Horizon UU Church and All Peoples Church UU are again collaborating to offer a new series of three workshops for North Texas Adults (Parents, guardians, caregivers, and grandparents) to become more comfortable, knowledgeable, and understanding about issues pertaining to sexuality and your children and youth. Lauren Daniel, DLRE at Horizon UU in Carrollton and Sarah Berel-Harrop, DRE at All Peoples Church UU in Fort Worth will facilitate.

We will hold three stand-alone sessions the third Wednesday of the month,  March 15, and April 19 from 7:00-8:30 PM. We will record the sessions so that registered participants can view them asynchronously. On the Saturdays following the evening sessions at a time to be determined, we invite all participants to an optional "continuing the conversation" session. 

The deadline to register is the Monday before the Wednesday session. At least five (5) households need to register by the deadline for the workshop to take place. 

Attend one or more workshops of your choosing. Workshops offer practical tips and advice, time to share your experiences and offer you support for your role raising children and teens.

For those who can't attend Wednesday, the session will be recorded and registrants can view it on their own (pre-registration required to receive recording) 

Optional Saturday Discussions:
-Take place the following Saturday (3/18, 4/22) time TBD based on consensus of the group.
 - For those who do attend Wednesday or watch the recording of the session on their own, and want to dig deeper.
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