'Religion, Freedom, Equality' -- Registration Form
'Religion, Freedom, Equality' takes place at Magdalen College from 9:45am on Monday 3rd to 4pm on Tuesday 4th June.

Bringing together leading experts from politics, philosophy, and law from both the USA and Europe, this conference will explore a range of pressing normative issues regarding the interactions between religion, politics, and law.

Places are limited, so please register if you wish to attend, by completing the form below!

Speakers: Rebecca Aviel (Denver), Stephanie Barclay (Notre Dame), Francois Boucher (KU Leuven), Maria Cahill (Cork), Chris Eberle (US Naval Academy), Valentina Gentile (LUISS Guido Carli), Myriam Hunter-Henin (UCL), Alex Livingston (Cornell), Tariq Modood (Bristol), James Nelson (Houston), Jim Oleske (Lewis & Clark), Julian Rivers (Bristol), Isabelle Rorive (Brussels), Larry Sager (Texas), Nomi Stolzenberg (USC), Simon Thompson (UWE), Nelson Tebbe (Cornell), Sabine Tsuruda (Queen’s), Kevin Vallier (Bowling Green), Marietta van der Tol (Oxford), Baldwin Wong (Hong Kong Baptist)

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Institutional affiliation *
Role (e.g. faculty member, research fellow, DPhil student) and academic field *
If you have any dietary requirements, please specify below *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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