The Taxpayer Podcast - CPD Questionnaire - Ep. 4 Sham Transactions
Each of our podcasts is approximately 30 minutes in duration and counts for 0.5 CPD points. After completing this questionnaire with sufficient correct answers, you will be awarded a certificate of completion for 0.5 CPD points.
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1. What was meant by Watermeyer JA when he referred to a “dishonest transaction”? *
2. Can the absence of a commercial purpose for a transaction be equated with a disguised transaction? *
3. Is it correct to say that the question of simulation is in truth a question of the genuineness of a transaction? *
4. What is the role of the three Ds in the quest to identify a sham transaction: dishonesty, deception and disguise? *
5. Is it fair to categorise a simulated transaction as a pretence? *
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