Lunch Volunteers Needed 23-24 School Year
We are looking for parent classroom lunch volunteers for this school year. You will stay in the classroom while the teacher has his/her lunchbreak and must assist with the classroom management during this time. Currently you do not know your child(ren)'s classroom assignment so we are just asking for a commitment as to which day/time slot you will be available. We will do our ultimate best to pair you in your child's classroom, however, when signing up you may be asked to move around. Times may be subject to change.  
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Please indicate what grade and time slot you are available. 
Please indicate what days you are available.
Per the Archdiocese of Chicago, you must be in compliance with all the requirements of  Virtus. Please check yes or no if you have completed all items.  If  not please check your Virtus account and make sure everything is updated.
Se enviará una copia de tus respuestas por correo electrónico a la dirección que has proporcionado.
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