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SoNeC (Sociocratic Neighborhood Circles) is an EU initiative working to integrate sociocracy - a participatory decision making methodology - into neighborhood-based community activities. The SONEC partnership - formed by 9 organisations from 7 EU countries - is researching participatory citizenship models in Europe and experimenting with the implementation of sociocratic methods. We will present our findings and recommendations in a manual that will be distributed widely, specifically targeting municipal stakeholders and local government. Our goal is to make neighborhood decisions more inclusive, so that local needs are identified and met through the involvement of many active participants.
We are at the very beginning of a long journey and in the first phase of building our network. If you would like to receive updates, resources and information about how to collaborate with SoNeC,  please confirm your interest, and help us get to know you by filling out this form.
1. Name *
2. Email *
3. Phone number
4. Organization
5. website
6. Address
7. Country
8. Please choose the category that best describes your field of work. *
9. BRIEF DESCRIPTION of your organization or work. (100 words)
10. Would you like to know more about sociocracy? Why or why not? (100 words)  
11. What are your/your organization’s needs that SoNeC (Sociocratic Neighborhood Circles)  - a participatory, decision making methodology- might be able to meet? (100 words)
12. Are you interested in receiving updates, resources and information about SoNeC? *
13. Are you interested in collaborating with SoNeC? *
14. Do you want to start a SoNeC in your neighbourhood?
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15. Do you like to share your experiences with other SoNeC-Initiators in your country and beyond?
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16. If yes, please tell us with 500 words about your neighbourhood activities. We will use your information to connect you to other initiatives in your country.
Thank you for taking the time to answer our questionnaire.  
By using this form you agree with the handling of your data by SoNeC, as well as with storing this submission data to our database for reasons related to communication, as stated in our privacy policy. *
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