Thanks for showing interest in beta reading FOR DEATH OR GLORY! I appreciate it!

INFO: FOR DEATH OR GLORY is a fantasy romance (new adult, but there's no smut) about 60,000 words long (word count to be determined). It is a novel set in the Remnant Trilogy world, but you do not have to have read any other book to read this one--this is a standalone! Betas will have 3 weeks to read the novel and return feedback. I will provide a questionnaire sheet for quick feedback but if betas have additional thoughts, that is welcomed! The novel will be sent out the first week of March, and feedback should be returned by April 5th.

ROUGH BLURB: Dionne, a wandering Gifted, hunts the warlocks who kidnapped her brother. Nnambi, a popular caravan fighter, wishes to be freed from his sins. After sparing each other's lives in an arena fight, they flee together: and join unlikely forces with pirates to save children--and Dionne’s brother-- in the warlocks’ clutches.

Nnambi fights to protect Dionne from her fate, but some fates cannot be changed. To save the others, Dionne must sacrifice herself.
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Do you read fantasy romance? *
Can you commit to reading a novel in 3 weeks? *
Disclaimer: this series is not "clean" or for the lighthearted. While the novel does not contain smut, there is mild swearing, violence, and a few sensual moments. If this content bothers you, please NOTE that here and I might pass on you as a beta. * *
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