1:1 Coaching Application

All of the desires burning within you are the unique signature you have been called to express in this current time and space and I am here to help you co-create a direct path to all of your blessings!

After years of manifesting and tapping into my inner power, here are some of the things I've learned:

  1. Being the creator of your reality is a lot easier when you recognize and align with who you really are.
  2. The blocks and limiting beliefs that you are trying to run away from? Those are actually stepping stones on your path to faster manifestation.
  3. YOU are the secret manifestation tool you have been searching for and having a fellow conscious co-creator guide you as you accelerate to new heights, can be transformational (I volunteer as tribute! 🥰)
  4. Manifestation is about A LOT more than getting things. But once you learn how to embody your true essence and get to the core purpose behind your creations, they all flow in like crazy!

Using all of this (and more I hope to share with you soon), I have been able to manifest some incredible things:

✨ Found and got engaged to the love of my life (with the most perfect proposal and ring, of course!)

✨ The perfect apartment

✨ A job that paid $60,000 more than I was used to, without even applying for it

✨ My goal of making 6 figures after only being at a company for 1 yr

✨ Two free vacations

✨ Becoming monetized on my podcast

✨ My dream car

✨ And so much more!

This is just tip of the iceberg and I am confident that by the time you have your call with me, I'll have something newly manifested to share!

I say all of this not to brag, but to be an example of what is possible. The faith and confidence I have in myself and the reality I am creating, are part of the magic I wish I could bottle up and share with everyone.

But until the scientist in me learns how to do that, I am here to serve you as your Mindset & Manifestation Coach!

My intention is to not only help you manifest the life of your dreams, but align you with your authenticity.

Together we will co-create:

💞 A clear path to your desires, using anything that stands in the way as stepping stones of love and light

💞 Healing the parts of you that are ready to transform in the new life you are allowing in

💞A deeper understanding of your authentic self and how to embody it daily

💞Clarity on your desires and strategies to magnetize them to you

💞 A shift in your perspective to align with the timeline where your dreams become your reality

If you are reading this, there is a reason. I set the intention to align with and add value to those who would benefit from this conscious co-creation. There is a part of you that is yearning to live the life that you have been dreaming of, and seeing this means you are ready now!

Everything is co-creation and I am excited to support you as a transformative avenue on your journey toward all you desire.

Are you ready? Let's co-create!

Email *
Name *
What country do you live in?
How would you describe your manifestation journey so far? *
What are 3 main things you want to manifest in your life? Describe them in detail.
Why do you want these creations? What does it mean for you to achieve them?
What are some obstacles you perceive as getting in the way of these manifestations?
Why do you want a Mindset & Manifestation Coach and why is now the right time for you?
On a scale of 1-5 (5 being the highest) how committed are you to invest in doing what it takes to create your dreams in an authentic and aligned way?
Not Ready
All in!
Beside your manifestations, what are you hoping to gain out of working together? *
What are some fun things you have either consciously or unconsciously manifested that you are proud of? **Share one of each for extra fun! And if you can't think of anything, look at the things that are going well in your life right now. ❤️ *
If any, what hesitations or concerns do you have about having a coach?
Any comments or questions for me? 😊
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