Walks N Wags Pet First Aid Participant Registration Form

Date/ Time: Sunday February 9th, 2025 8:00 am – 6:00 pm
*Must attend full day to receive certificate, please be on time*

Location: 3602 50 St, Cold Lake, AB  (Cross Cuts Pet Styling)
*Contact us in advance if you need directions*

Parking: Free, limited parking on site. Please do not block parking of 4th bay (another business operates out of there). Overflow parking available in front of neighbouring business (Gerry’s Express Lube).

Important Course Information:
1. Wear comfortable clothing & dress in layers.
2. Bring a pen/pencil & paper to take notes.
3. A small selection of beverages & snacks will be provided. You must supply your own lunch. You may pack a lunch or visit one of the many restaurants located close by during our scheduled lunch break.
4. Cat First Aid will be covered but cats are NOT permitted in our classes for safety reasons. There is limited capacity for personal dogs (first come first served; maximum of 5). Dogs MUST be registered ahead of time and MUST be calm, quiet, sociable w/ pets & people. They must also be comfortable with other students handling them. Please have all pets on a secure restraint (collar/harness & leash).
NOTE: We reserve the right to send home or place in our boarding facility for the remainder of the class any pet deemed unsuitable for the dynamics of the class.

Payment/Cancellations: Payment is due in full before registration can be processed. Cancellation up to 7 days prior to course are eligible for a 100% refund. Cancellation made after this point are subject to a $25 administration fee. Cancellations made within 24 hours of scheduled event will not be refunded or transferred. Personal cheques are not accepted at this time.

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Full Name: *
Mailing Address: *
Email: *
Home Phone:
Cell Phone: *
Would you like to bring your pet (for demos)? *
If yes tell us about them (include name, approximate age, sex, breed & whether or not they are spayed or neutered):
Would you like to purchase a demo dog reward pack for $21.95 (PrideBites toy, bandana & Rocky's Rockin' Road Snaxs Treats) *
Captionless Image
Registration Preference (Registration includes coast of manual, certificate & compact First Aid guide) *
If option 2 selected above please have friend complete registration form and list their name here so participants can be billed correctly.
Would you like to preorder a First Aid Kit? *
Payment Options (you will be contacted by instructor with more detailed payment instructions based on your selection) *
I have read & agree to the above course terms (including the cancellation policies) & all associated fees. *
Cross Cuts Pet Styling & Boarding Kennels- Terri Cross Walks N Wags Instructor
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