5 Minute Health and Wellness Quiz
Hey there! Wondering which of our wellness products are right for you? Fill this out and I will send you a special curated list of products that you will love.
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Amy *
516-551-7618 *
Email *
What are your primary health goals? Check all that apply. *
How is your energy and sleep (check all that apply) *
How many servings of fruits and vegetables do you consume on average each day. A serving is the size of your fist. *
Do you experience digestion issues (bloating, constipation or diarrhea)? *
Do you experience joint discomfort? *
Which best describes how you feel about your current weight. *
Which best describes your skin. Check all that apply. *
How would you describe your focus and attention? *
How are you with caffeine? *
Tell me anything else you're struggling with, working on, or any current health conditions your experiencing. *
Please provide which current Modere products you use so we can best provide you with complimentary options to best attain your goals!
Please share any other home or self care products or product categories you purchase from other companies that you would be open to replacing with Modere Clean Living Products if they were superior products at a better price point. (Example: skincare, laundry detergent, cleaning supplies, personal hygiene, probiotics etc)
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