Here at Wingfield Designs I wanted to create something special, it will be released on valentines day, which is all about love being in the air, couples and passion.
But how about we use the day to raise awareness for those with a broken heart? Lets help heal those that have suffered loss, to show them that their is a world beyond grief beyond loss and we can help them find their way!
Everyone has lost someone, and knows the feelings of grief and emptiness, so let's raise funds for an amazing charity that supports others struggling with grief and a broken heart.
We are looking for around 10 authors who would all be willing to write a story including healing a broken heart as one of there tropes it can be in any form, but all funds will be given to a Charity called Heartbroken to Healed.
The buy in will be £15 this will include advertising and also all formatting anything left over will be donated directly to the charity. The book covers will be designed by Wingfield Designs Free of Charge and on release day I am also going to be hosting a release party to help spread the word.
Each Book will be released as individual stories as well as a paperback which includes all stories and will be uploaded by myself to amazon for a 12 month period, all rights to the story will be then returned to the author.
Wingfield Design's will design a cover for each novella, as well as banners, graphics and a trailer to help spread the word.
Please be aware that all editing and proof reading will needed to be done at a charge to yourself prior to submitting your files on the 15th January for me to get formatted, so that all books are in the same style. The story must be between 15k - 30k. If you have any questions please let me know, this is an expression of interest form and I will follow it with a contract and a payment link should you wish to participate.