In Person Stream Request
The Trident Network can assist you in live streaming your show or event. We offer an array of options based on budget level. And we can stream to wherever you would like (private zoom, public twitch, etc.)
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Your Name *
Your Role *
Are you the Producer? Director? Marketing Director? What is your relationship to the event/production?
Event / Show Name *
Event / Show Description *
Event / Show Date *
Event / Show Time *
Event / Show Location *
Name & address of venue
Location Details *
Provide as much information as possible
Where would you like this to be streamed? *
You can change your mind on this, but please put what you want right now
Services Requested *
You can change your mind on this, but please put what you want right now
How did you find out about us?
We'd love to know how you heard about Trident's services
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