Wild Church Training
If you were unable to attend the Wondering About Wild Church Interest Meeting you can watch the recording below. Then let us know your next steps!
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Wondering About Wild Church Interest Meeting Recording
Are you interested in attending a Wild Church training? *
If your answer is "No, not at this time" there's no need to fill out the form. Thank you for your interest! Feel free to reach out at any time!
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Listen, Discern, & Share Your Vision!
We will be in touch about future trainings and next steps! Thank you so much for answering the call to join this exciting movement. We can't wait to journey with you as you follow the Spirit into the Wild!
Corey is happy to answer questions! Email her at churchinthewildcommunity@gmail.com
She's also happy to meet one-on-one and go deeper. You can schedule a conversation with Corey here: https://calendly.com/coreyturnpenny
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