2021-22 Confirmation Service Hour Form
This form is to be filled out by a Confirmation student after they have completed one or more hours of service. Students are expected to complete 12 Service Hours EACH year of Confirmation. We ask that 6 hours be completed at/through Light of Christ. Youth cannot be paid for their time or receive credit through another organization (such as sports, boy scouts/girl scouts, etc) if it is considered service time for Confirmation. Email question to Kirsten at Kirsten.Kelly@locdelano.com.
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Last Name *
First Name *
Grade *
Guide's Name/s *
Today's Date *
Date/s you served: *
What you did to serve: *
If you chose “Other” or “Service outside of LOC” in the question above, please describe what you did:
How many total hours of service did you complete from the activities that you indicated above? *
A few things I learned from this experience: *
Where I saw God at work when I served: *
One way I will pray for those (or the organization) I served: *
Any additional questions or comments?
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