Under 30 Membership - London
Every three months we offer free membership to four makers under 30 years old, providing the tools and space to develop a business idea. Membership includes desk space, workshops, fabrication facilities and events as well as joining a growing community of over 250 makers and 90 businesses.

Whether the free membership will be used to develop something physical or digital, experimental or specific, a technical skill or business knowledge, we want to support those who have ambition to grow.

To apply for this programme, please fill out the application form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Full Name:
Email address:
Tell us about what you do
Please provide a link to any work you have online
What are you hoping to achieve in your 3 months at Makerversity?
Please include information about any skills you'd like to develop
What interests you about joining Makerversity?
How did you hear about the programme?
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