Virtual Lunch Choices
Students who are 100% virtual will need to make their choices and send the completed document in by Thursday each week.  Pick-up time each week will be Wednesday 11-12pm at the Main Office. Students that are in person need to make their choices for only the days they are not in school. This needs to be done no later than 10am Tuesday morning.  
Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
Student's Name *
Please indicate whether student is Cohort A, Cohort B, or fully remote by clicking the option below. *
Week of:
Lunch Choice; Monday: *
Lunch Description *
Lunch Choice; Tuesday: *
Lunch Description *
Lunch Choice; Wednesday: *
Lunch Description *
Lunch Choice; Thursday: *
Lunch Description *
Lunch Choice; Friday: *
Lunch Description *
Google フォームでパスワードを送信しないでください。
このフォームは Green Township School District 内部で作成されました。 不正行為の報告