Carolingia 50 Year A&S Consultation Request 
A&S Consultations are a way for artisans to get one-on-one feedback from experienced members of the A&S community. You do not need a finished project for a consultation - you may request this service at any stage of your process, even the very beginning! All levels and types of artisans are welcome.

If you are planning to enter your work in the A&S display at Carolingia 50 Year Celebration and would like a consultation, please use this form. 

For more information on the Carolingia 50 Year Celebration event, visit 

For more information on A&S consultations, please visit 
E-mail *
SCA Name *
Email address *
Legal/social media name *
Short description of entry *
What kind of feedback are you looking for? While we cannot guarantee a subject matter expert for your art, if you are looking for subject matter feedback, we will do our best to pair you appropriately. *
Do you have any scheduling limitations on Saturday, September 9? If so, please enumerate below: 
Une copie de vos réponses sera envoyée par e-mail à .
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