Editorial Design Tiny Course Interest Form
Thank you so much for your interest in Tiny Courses: Editorial Design! Please fill out the questions below if you are seriously interested in taking this course. This will help me get to know you a bit,  best figure out the class schedule,  and determine how many sections I may need to create. I will be in touch with you soon over email! 
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Email *
Name!  *
Location / Time Zone *
Your portfolio link!  *
Before we get too far, this course will start sometime in June and wrap sometime in September. Just making sure you are aware of this and are able to commit to these dates! Clicking below means you have read and understood this!  *
Please check all that apply:  *
I am trying to schedule this along with another potential course which can be a bit of a challenge. If for some reason Mondays won't work for this course, what are some of your other availabilities over lunch during the week? If you absolutely can't make a lunch meeting work, then, as a last resort, what are your evening availabilities throughout the week? The more options you provide me, the better! 
What are some of your favorite magazines? *
Any questions for me? Leave 'em here! 
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