Model Arab League - Conduct Violation Submission Form
Thank you so much for your leadership by taking the time to fill out the Conduct Violation Form. Before you begin, if any violation puts you in a situation where you feel physically threatened, please call the local police at 911.

The National Council on U.S. - Arab Relations takes issues of sexism and discrimination seriously. Delaney Leslie and/or Hannah Norton will serve as a point-persons to turn to in case you would like to address the issue in person. The National Council operates a zero-tolerance policy for any type of sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment or assault, as well as a zero-tolerance policy for any forms of harassment or discrimination based on race, color, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, age, or disability. However, conduct violations also include the use or possession of any illegal substance, including marijuana products and paraphernalia, the use of tobacco products, and the consumption or possession of alcohol in public spaces. Further, pre-written language and plagiarism are not allowed at this conference and should be reported to your chair and documented immediately.

If there is any conduct issue that you believe requires immediate attention, please feel free to use contact information below - our team is always available to support you.

Hannah Norton -
Phone: 202-735-7702
Delaney Leslie -
Phone: 202-394-8000 
If you are comfortable, please provide an email for us to contact you upon submission of the form. If you would like to be contacted, but would rather preserve anonymity, you are welcome to provide a phone number to reach you. There is also an option of filling out the form completely anonymously. However, conduct violations often require immediate follow-up, so we would encourage you to leave a direct contact. Other options may include the name of the Head Delegate or a Faculty Advisor.

Thank you again for your time. And we are sorry that you were faced with a disappointing situation during your time at the conference.  
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Full Name
This question is not required. Please feel free to leave this space blank if it is prohibitive to submitting feedback.
Committee *
This is a required question for us to prevent problems from accumulating in a particular committee. NO committee staff members will be notified about the details of this submission unless you expressively ask us to do so.
Type of violation *
Description *
If your situation pertains sexual misconduct, please contact Hannah Norton or Delaney Leslie immediately. For all other situation please elaborate below giving as much detail of the incident as possible including any proof that you might have to support the case.
Any type of direct contact information
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Aquest formulari s'ha creat dins del domini National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations. Informa d'un ús abusiu