Trustee Application - Black Books Matter UK
Black Books Matter champions diversity in books and stories that represent, are written by and educate on the lives of people of colour.Through providing books, community projects and workshops into homes, communities and schools we strive to educate and inspire young people of all backgrounds to accept and amplify diversity.

Books have the ability to inspire young people while educating, enlightening readers about their history or for others truths they don’t live. They also are able to share positive stories of those they may not see of both themselves and others regularly in mainstream society. This is why we believe Black Books Matter is an important way to educate and inspire young people of all backgrounds. Our aim is to ensure every young person feels unique while creating open minds, tolerance for others and growth; so young people can be accepting and proud of the diverse world we live in and feel their voice is heard.
We currently have a wide range of literary, arts and storytelling programmes and projects across london. With exciting projects still in development. As we continue to grow we are looking for a diverse range of trustees from diverse background who can contribute to the management ofBlack Books Matter UK.
It would be wonderful to have a range of trustees would have experience and knowledge of one of the key areas of expertise; finance, fundraising, charity law.

 Our trustees most importantly need to be passionate abut our charities purpose and mission, and a love for books is always a plus.

Please read through the supporting documents on our website on the vacancy page to see more about the work we are doing.

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What about our mission and the work we do, makes you want to be part of the Trustee board at Black Books Matter UK?
How you can help us reach our aims? What skills and experience that you could bring to the role.
Thank You!
Thank you for taking the time to express your inetrest for being a Trustee. We will be reach out as we receive applications to ensure we have enough time to speak to all applicant's and find a time that suits you best.

We appreciate you taking the time and interest in Black Books matter Uk, as we continue on our journey to create space for the diverse world we live in, through the power of books.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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