LGBTQ+ Directory - Add Organization Form

This form is to capture information to include you as part of our LGBTQ+ Directory! You are welcome to email us at any time at or for edits or corrections. 

This form is specifically for LGBTQ+ Serving organization. Your organization must focus on serving specifically LGBTQ+ clients, not just be welcoming of LGBTQ+ individuals. 

We will follow up every year to confirm and update information on this list. Please let us know if anything changes before that time! If you need any help locating resources throughout this state, you can reach out to me as well! 

Thank you,
Faye Seidler 
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Your Email (not public facing, for verification purposes) *
What Best Describes your Organizations focus?  *
Primary Age Served *
Name of Organization *
Website + Other Social Media
Best Contact Information for Organization *
Describe organizations in one or two sentences.
If your organization has routine hours or days its open or operates, please list them! 
Can your organization be an anchor during community crisis? (Called to respond and guide community through grief when public tragedy happens like a hate crime. Involvement is social media centering and working with a therapist to help calm and assure folks.) 
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What can we do to make the directory better? What Questions should we be asking? 
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