Free Sunday Session
Please provide your email address below to receive the Zoom details for the next Sunday Session!
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What is your email address? *
Do you agree not share this link with anyone? *
Do you agree to attempt to practice my Anti-Oppressive Practice Wishlist, as outlined in my Verywell Mind essay published in 2021? Please only agree AFTER reading the essay towards ensuring that I do not need to exhaust my already limited spoons addressing interpersonal issues among BIPOC folx.  *
Are you open to sharing your skills in an unpaid capacity to my ongoing Sustainable BIPOC Resistance efforts as an act of mutual aid? If so, what skills, abilities, talents, etc. do you possess? For instance, I am regularly scoping out and applying for grants that would benefit my beloved BIPOC LGBTQIA+ disabled communities, so are you a Math wizard to help with drafting the budgets, or can you contribute legal skills to ensure that I do not sign my life away when accepting a contract?
Any access needs or other details you feel the need to share with me at this time?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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