2021-22 B.Com. -Semesters I and III A.T.K.T. and Semester V Repeater Exams SIF
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Student Name Full Name as on Std. XII (HSc) Certificate *
Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
PRN  Number *
E-mail address (used for the exam) *
WhatsApp Number (same number as that for receiving SMS for the exam) *
Parent / Guardian Contact Number *
Do you have ? (Select Yes or No) *
Laptop / Tab
Internet connectivity
Any other gadget
Can you arrange Mobile or Laptop for Exam in case of non-availability? (Select Yes or No) *
Your current location details: City/Town/Village name, Taluka, District, State *
If you are out of town, when are you coming back?
Are you differently abled? *
Differently abled (certificate submitted to office)
Have learning disability (certificate submitted to office)
If differently abled / LD student, facilties required as per examination rules
Please select the exam scheme relevant to you *
If you have A.T.K.T. from FYBCom Semester I select the course with YES or select NO. *
Accountancy and Financial Management I
Business Communication I
Business Economics I
Commerce I
Environmental Studies I
Foundation Course I -Internal (25marks)
Foundation Course I -Theory (75 marks)
Mathematical and Statistical Techniques I
If you have A.T.K.T. from SYBCom Semester III, select the course with YES OR Select NO *
Accountancy and Financial Management III
Advertising I
Business Economics III
Business Law I
Commerce III
FAA-V- Introduction to Management Accounting
Foundation Course III-Internal (25 marks)
Foundation Course III-Theory (75 marks)
If you are a Repeater for Semesters V, select the course with YES OR Select NO *
Financial Accounting and Auditing VII
Financial Accounting and Auditing VIII
Business Economics V
Commerce V
If you are a Repeater for Semester V select the course with YES OR Select NO *
Computer Systems and Applications I / II
Export Marketing I / II
Psychology of Human Behaviour at Work I / II
If you are a Repeater for Semester V, select the course with YES OR Select NO *
Direct and Indirect Taxation I
Marketing Research I
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