Bernini Study

Welcome to the Bernini Study! 

This study will be held at designated locations in NYC, AK, LA and Philadelphia, PA. The purpose of the study is to collect data on facial features and eye characteristics. If you qualify and participate in this study, you will receive $250 in the form of a digital gift card (Visa, Amazon, and other retailer options available).

Participants will be required to follow simple instructions from the moderators, including mimicking facial features, reading aloud sentences, and performing simple gestures/movements. They will be asked to wear head gear for portions of the study and should be willing and able to stand for the duration of the study. 

To avoid larger group gatherings, we will not be providing a waiting room area. For this reason, we ask that participants plan their trip to the study site, so they arrive at an appropriate time. We ask that they do not arrive with fellow passengers/friends/family members.

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Source (For Internal Purposes Only)

Do you confirm that all the information you will provide in this screening process will be accurate, and you understand that in the event you qualify for the study and it is discovered onsite that you have provided false or inaccurate information, you will be disqualified and will be ineligible for compensation?

How old are you?
Where do you live?  *
First Name *
Surname *
Contact Telephone Number *
Email Address  *
Would you be comfortable participating without your parent or guardian present in the room with you? If needed they can stay with you for the duration of the appointment.
Which gender do you identify most with?
What is your race/ethnicity?
Are you comfortable having your photo, video, and audio data captured for the purposes of this study?
Masks are not required on site. If you choose to wear one during data collection, are you comfortable removing your mask for up to 3 hours while in a room with a moderator?
Are you willing and able to walk up and down a single flight of stairs (12-14 steps) in order to participate in the study?
Can you confirm you will wear comfortable and modest clothing to the site and avoid wearing bathing suits or any clothing that covers your neck (turtlenecks, collared shirts, scarves, etc). Additionally, are you willing to wear a tight-fitting hairnet for the duration of the session?
In order to participate in this study a head mounted device will need to be placed on you. Can you confirm that you will not wear an updo hairstyle on the day of your appointment?

Can you confirm that you will not wear the following to the study: No false eyelashes, eyelash extensions, individual lash extension, magnetic lashes, etc. No hard contacts, including gas permeable, nor rigid gas permeable. No colored, printed or tinted contact lenses. 


Please confirm that you are willing to agree to the following: Remove makeup, not wear heavy eye makeup, put on your glasses or contacts, take off hats and jewelry, remove or lower your face mask while participating. 

Is your current job either in market research, media, or blogging?
Do you or anyone in your family work for any of the following companies?
Do you live in the United States? *
We are interested in recruiting people with a variety of experiences. What type of hobbies do you have? Please select all that apply from the list below:
If you selected 'Other' in the question above, please provide your hobbies below? 
How many hours per week do you play video games?
If you play more than 24hrs per week of video games, which of the following gaming systems do you utilize? 
Are you able to sit comfortably, stand unassisted, make facial expressions, and talk for up to 3 hours? And do you have full use of both your hands and index fingers?

Have you had in the last 7 days, or do you currently have any of the following health conditions? Head lice or other transmissible scalp conditions, infectious eye condition, pink eye, photo-sensitive epilepsy, high sensitivity to bright or flashing lights, a seizure disorder, migraine or chronic headaches, Cervical spine disease, neck or upper back pain, recent neck injury, suffer arthritis of the neck, neck stiffness, numbness or tingling to finger(s), gait or balance disorder (i.e., coordination disorder), Meniere's disease, vertigo or inner ear condition, anxiety disorder/panic attacks, any known neurological disorder, or any condition that causes discomfort while rotating your head?


Have you had any ocular or eye/iris surgeries in the past? 


You have any of the following eye conditions: Retinitis Pigmentosa, Stargardt Disease, Cone Dystrophies, Pattern Dystrophies, Gyrate Atrophy, Oguchi Disease, Goldman – Favre Syndrome, Kearns - Sayre Syndrome, Leber's congenital amaurosis, Choroideremia, Alports Syndrome?

Please indicate which if any of the following apply to you:
Do you need any type of vision correction (glasses or contacts)? If so, do you correct for nearsighted, farsighted, or both?
Do you wear soft contact lenses to correct your vision?

What is your contact lens prescription?

Please note the spherical part of your prescription is the strength of your prescription and will include either a “+” or “-“in front of it.  A “-“indicates nearsightedness and a “+” indicates farsightedness.  

If you have astigmatism, your prescription will also include a cylindrical power – if you do not have astigmatism, you will not have this number included in your prescription.  People with astigmatism are generally prescribed a Toric contact lens.

What contact type do you have?   

Record Spherical, Cylindrical Powers (if applicable), and Axis measurement below.

Spherical Power 

Record power: L____  R_____

Cylindrical Power (if applicable for astigmatism) 

Record power: L____  R_____

Axis Measure ____
Does your prescription include both a “+” and a “-“ strength, and considered a Multifocal contact lens (similar to a bifocal lens in glasses prescription)?
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Do you wear eyeglasses of any kind (prescription) to correct your vision? [select all]
What are the exact prescription values for your glasses? (If you have two prescriptions for near- AND far-sightedness, please include both).

Spherical Power 

Record power: L____  R_____

Cylindrical Power (if applicable for astigmatism) 

Record power: L____  R_____

Axis Measure _____
Can you tell me how tall you are?

Below in either _____feet _____inches or

____ cm

Can you tell me how much you weigh? (Best estimate is fine) ______LB or ______ Kg *
What color are your eyes?
How much sleep would you say you get on average?
Do you have any eye conditions or eye diseases such as glaucoma or any other monocular pathological condition?
Which of the following eye conditions or diseases do you have?
How did you hear about this study?  *
If applicable, please provide the name and email address of the person who referred you to our study. 
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